Wine & Cheese ~ 47th Serving

Welcome to Wine & Cheese, my weekly, Wednesday whine session.

Every week on Wednesday I devote a blog to whining. Despite being a really happy, positive person, I do have things that annoy me at times.

I never let anything grate on my nerves for long but thought it would be fun to vent them periodically in my blogs.

I also feel that good things, the cheese in life, should be acknowledged as well.

I’m even going to throw in a bit of dessert, a piece of virtual chocolate, something that made me laugh or smile just a bit more than normal.

If you’d like to read the past editions of Wine & Cheese just click HERE for all of the past postings.

Sit back and join me now for the 47th serving of some wine and cheese!

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😦   They’re BAACCCKKKK! Those random hot flashes of edging into the menopausal years of life.  I am far less than thrilled.  I get them in spurts, and currently I seem to be within a phase of said self contained tropical climate outbursts, as out of no where I am suddenly so hot that I could defrost a walk-in freezer.

😦  Dust.  I totally dislike dust.  I wish I could blame the cats but even in the marital residence there was an excessive amount of dust, even if we went at it daily.  I wish I had a solution but I don’t.  One furnace was new with great filters etc, one is probably older than dirt.  This just sucks.

😦  Open windows draw cats.  See, windows are kitty cat television.  And an open window is way, high end viewing as the sound is enhanced and there is fresh air.  Hot flashes = open windows next to me even when it is very cold outside.  Open windows = cats sitting on the edge of my desk which = cat hair on the desk, as the little floozies feel the need to bathe themselves in the fresh air of the open window, leaving behind fur.  Dust, cat hair, hot flashes…I cannot win!


🙂  I have a new coffee cup.  It is white  outside, PINK inside (instant love) and says JOY in big, pink letters outside.  In the background it says Joy in light pink letters…oh heck I’ll just show you a picture.  I love this cup.  It was time to retire the mug with the cat on it from the Count.  I won’t get rid of it, just not going to use it for now.

I follow the My One Word idea rather than New Year’s resolutions.  Last year my word was I was seeking my way back to God.  I was searching and praying for a word for 2012 and when I received the coffee cup as a gift, I knew my word for 2012 is JOY.  Finding JOY in the Lord first, and then in all things in life, as I believe there is a silver lining of JOY in all things.

🙂  Hee hee…knowing where the last of the Christmas tree cookies are hidden, all 4 of them, and  making them into my breakfast because I’m the only Diva awake in the house.  Waahaahaa!

🙂  Looking ahead to the new year, planning and writing down my goals, plotting a course toward them.  All the purging I am doing is helping me to focus on what I am keeping in my life and what I can do with it.  And not taking ‘no’ or ‘can’t’ as an option.  I can. I will.

🙂  Embracing being a single woman, REALLY  embracing it and all that it means.  It’s truly all about me this coming year and I’m going to make the most of it and run with it.  Male friends are fine, and going out now and then is fine, but this year I want to focus on ME.  Just me, no ‘us’ but just ME.


Okay now this is funny, I don’t care who you are!  It is NOT directed at my ex-husband or an ex-boyfriend, it is just amusing so I’m sharing it:

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