10 Foods I Love

As a part of the 100 Things I Love series, here are 10 foods I love.  Not necessarily in any particular order, and by no means an exhaustive list!

  1. Chipotle Steak Bowl – you just knew that would be #1, if you know me.  Steak bowl, brown rice, black beans, corn salsa and cheese.  I use the tortilla chips to scoop it up and eat it, much better than a fork and adds some crunch to the meal!
  2. Mom’s homemade bean soup – it is SO good and has a strange memory attached.   The super tornado outbreak on April 3, 1974 made bean soup a food memory.  My mom was making it when we got home from school that day.  Every time the tornado sirens went off she had to turn it off as we headed for the basement.  We now swear in order to make it right, you have to keep turning it off throughout the cooking process.
  3. Black Bean Chili – it came about one time when the ex hubster and I were going to try to make his chili recipe and we had black beans rather than chili beans on hand.  So we used them.  I’ve changed it up some and made it a slightly sweet chili, not spicy hot, but very yummy.  It is a much loved and requested meal in the Diva Den.
  4. Lime Garlic Chicken – mom has a fantastic recipe for it, it is a total Diva Den favorite.
  5. Strawberry Almond Salad – this is a warm weather favorite around here.  Chicken, poppy seed dressing, strawberries, oranges, almonds over lettuce (cannot recall what else is in it).  It is a huge hit at my sister’s former employer’s cafe so she learned how to make it and now it is a big hit here. We all over eat when that is served.
  6. Cheese Burger Soup – a woman at my former church used to make this and it is to die for good.  The ex got the recipe and would make it for football game parties at the house or tailgating at the Bengal games.  I think I need to have my daughter get me a copy. Or maybe the ex will just email it…
  7. Weight Watchers Cabbage Soup – who knew, it is SO good! And supposedly one of those things you can eat all you want.
  8. Gyros – but ONLY from Sebastian’s here in Cincinnati, on the west side of town.  They are without a doubt the very best ever.
  9. Tuna Casserole – I know, totally crazy simple, but my mom makes a good one. It’s comfort food!
  10. Oatmeal – not the instant crap, but the old fashioned, cooked on the stove top kind.  I little dark brown sugar and some walnuts mixed in…YUM!


  1. Totally agree on the oatmeal and the WW Cabbage Soup – Who knew?

    I’ll follow your lead on the top 100 again and add my food list this weekend. 🙂

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